Good and Wonderful People of Texas; Friends / Family of Joe!
Not to hijack this site with politics, but this is relevant to our Joe and the condition of PSC (and help finding a cure, furthering research, etc…) This is also, per his own words to us, what Joe hopes we do.
To quote Joe: "I hope you will engage in constructive activities, like supporting research towards finding a cure for the disease that took me down. Be watchful for the government attempting to block or prevent the research of new kinds of treatment, including stem cell research, and also other, as yet unknown, potentially controversial treatments.”
With this in mind … the following information has come from the Texas Freedom Network, who are offering very simple ways to support (stem cell) research in Texas.
The next seven weeks will be critical to the future of embryonic stem cell research in Texas, and it all starts this week. On Thursday, the House State Affairs Committee will hear testimony on seven bills related to stem cell research. But you don't have to drive all the way to Austin to have a voice at this hearing.
TFN has already received more than 1,300 postcards in support of stem cell research, and with our help we intend to double that number by the end of this month. They need you to sign up TODAY to become a postcard captain.
It's easy - if you know 10 friends and family members who will sign a postcard, you're already qualified.
E-mail them today and they will send you the simple Postcard Captain Packet with tips for collecting signatures, a bundle of postcards, and a return envelope.
Not everyone has time to come to Austin and address the Texas Legislature, but everyone can join this campaign to support scientific research that provides so much hope to so many. And it's simple:
The first step is to sign the petition yourself (if you haven't already done so).
Then, e-mail Val at TFN to get your Postcard Captain Packet and help your friends get involved in this campaign.
I have already emailed Val for the packet and signed the petition. I don’t know how much (if any) weight signing a petition or sending in postcards carries, ultimately – but if it gets attention, proves a point or generates a second-thought about controversial treatments (like stem-cell research), it’s worth doing.