Thursday, May 24, 2007

Funny story Joe loved to tell

Joe would tell me these funny, yet kind of mean stories about things he would do to his highschool girlfriend, Celeste.

This is one of my favorites.

Celeste, Joe and some of their friends went to an amusement park one summer day. Joe was never a fan of rollercoaters, especially ones that loop-dee-loop. He said they made him nauseous. Celeste didn't believe him and pressured him to go on the ride by taunting him and calling him a chicken. So, to prove a point, he went on the ride. After it ended, but before they got out of their seats, Celeste asked "See, now that wasn't so bad was it?" Joe then vomited in her lap.

I believe they all went home after that.


c9 said...

I would really like for you to tell the one about the Valentine's Day Embroidery vs Pocket Change Exchange. That's my favorite story of all time.

solestrella said...

My favorite part:
Links: Funny, Exgirlfriend, Joe, Vomit

heh heh

Celeste said...

Funny version, but not exactly as I remember it. Did I coerce him into riding the rollercoaster? Yep. Did it go upside down? I believe so. Did he vomit in my lap? Not precisely - it was more of an "I'll never let you forget this" kind of revenge he had in mind. And I haven't!

I do remember feeling bad afterwards and agreeing to go to one of those cheesy recording studios and letting him pick the song - "I Got You, Babe." I had lost my voice screaming on the rides and apparantly this presented a perfect opportunity to imitate Cher. He sang Sonny's part perfectly, of course, with a few choice lyrics that were a bit different than the original. Funny as hell, of course! Thank God I was the one that kept the tape (I hope). Ah, Sweet Sixteen.

As for the Valentine's Day Pocket Change - I can say confidently that however much he gave me, it had to be worth more than anything I've ever stitched in my life.

Thanks for reminding me of something funny!!!

Jenn said...

I actually found the "I got you, babe" tape. It was funny. I plan to put it online as soon as possible.

I believe the pocket change story was about a different girl.

Celeste said...

Ha! I was wondering about the pocket change thing. I do have a story about change, though - Joe used to just take all the change out of his pockets and toss it on the floor, dresser, wherever in his room. One day I was over after school and his mom decided she was sick of asking him to clean it up and she starting doing it herself. She tried to get him to help, but he wasn't interested. So, I helped her pick it up while he teased us for being money-obssessed losers. :) After we counted it all, we had collected about $40 worth of change and Chris took me out to dinner with it! Not nice, but pretty funny.

I can't wait to hear the Sonny and Cher tape - it needs a disclaimer, though. My Cher impersonation is much better now. :)

Jenn, I have some funny poems and stuff he wrote back in high school - if you'd like to see any of it I'd be glad to scan it or copy them and mail them. They are really funny and cheered me up. Hope you're doing OK.